2,393 research outputs found

    Theoretical background of rock failure at hydraulic seam fracture and aftereffect analysis

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    Purpose. Theoretical substantiation of the methodological foundations of possible effects and aftereffects identification of the hydraulic seam fracture (HSF) technology. Methods. The research structure and procedure includes: studying the power engineering aspect of the rock failure, the acoustical wave effects; thermodynamic analysis of rock failure, analysis of surfaces mechanoactivation at rock failure and aftereffect of the primary pore space self-development at the HSF due to the Rebinder’s effect. Findings. It was established that among the fundamental consistent patterns that determine the formation and development of the HSF technology aftereffects during formations mining, are the methodological provisions and criteria for failure parameters prediction and grinding effects, namely: the average and local energy density of geoenvironment destruction, efficiency of grinding, the average particle and pore size, the specific surface area, the specific energy consumption per unit of the resulting surface. The connection between the parameters of the acoustic wave and the size of the fractures, which forms the basis of the acoustic emission (AE) method, is experimentally confirmed. Originality. It is established that the database for evaluating the expected fracture effects in the working zone of the HSF is: AE activity, specific acoustic radiation, spectrum of signals, characteristic amplitudes under the condition of physical modeling on the model samples of the geoenvironment behavior. It is shown that the critical state of a substance corresponding to the beginning of failure at the microlevel should be considered from the standpoint of thermodynamics as a phase change (evaporation, sublimation) near the critical point, based on the temperature critical values and the specific energy of the phase change. The presence of surfaces mechanoactivation in the rock failure is experimentally proved. The hypothesis concerning the rock pore space development aftereffect during hydraulic seam fracture due to the Rebinder’s effect is presented. Practical implications. It is proposed to size up the degree of geoenvironment destruction in the process of the HSF by the Kd parameter, which is equal to the product of the maximum amplitude of acoustic signals on the total acoustic activity of the destruction zone. It is established that the conditions for rock failure at the HSF are determined by the relationship between the rock pressure P and the volume energy density W of the failure. It is shown that the level of surfaces mechanoactivation can be estimated by adsorption characteristics – the adsorption potential and the pH of the newly discovered surfaces.Мета. Теоретичне обґрунтування методологічних основ встановлення умов прояву можливих ефектів і пост-ефектів технології гідравлічного розриву пласта (ГРП). Методика. Структура та послідовність проведення дослідження включає вивчення енергетичного аспекту руйнування гірського масиву, дії акустичних хвиль, термодинамічний аналіз руйнування гірського масиву, аналіз механоактивації поверхонь при руйнуванні гірського масиву та пост-ефекту саморозвитку первинного пористого простору ГРП внаслідок дії ефекту Ребіндера. Застосовано метод акустичної емісії, потенціометрії та рН-метрії. Результати. Встановлено, що до числа фундаментальних закономірностей, які визначають формування і розвиток пост-ефектів технології ГРП при відпрацюванні продуктивних пластів, відносяться методичні положення й критерії для прогнозу показників руйнування та ефектів подрібнення, а саме: середньої та локальної густини енергії при руйнуванні геосередовища, ККД подрібнення, середній розмір часток і пор, питома поверхня, питомі витрати енергії на одиницю одержаної поверхні. Експериментально підтверджений зв’язок між параметрами акустичної хвилі та розміром тріщин, що складає основу методу акустичної емісії (АЕ). Наукова новизна. Встановлено, що базу інформації для оцінки очікуваних у робочій зоні ГРП ефектів руйнувань складають активність АЕ, питоме акустичне випромінювання, спектр сигналів, характерні амплітуди за умови фізичного моделювання поведінки геосередовища на модельних зразках. Визначено, що граничний стан речовини, що відповідає початку руйнування на мікрорівні, слід розглядати з позицій термодинаміки як фазовий перехід (випаровування, сублімація) поблизу критичної точки, виходячи із критичних значень температури і питомої енергії фазового переходу. Експериментально доведено наявність механоактивації поверхонь при руйнуванні гірського масиву. Висунута гіпотеза щодо пост-ефекту розвитку пористого простору гірського масиву при ГРП у контексті дії ефекту Ребіндера. Практична значимість. Запропоновано оцінювати ступінь руйнування геосередовища у процесі ГРП показником Кр, що дорівнює добутку максимальної амплітуди акустичних сигналів на сумарну акустичну активність зони руйнування. Встановлено, що умови руйнування гірського масиву при ГРП детермінуються співвідношенням між гірським тиском Р і об’ємною густиною енергії W деформації. Показано, що ступінь механоактивації поверхонь може бути оцінена за характеристиками адсорбції – потенціалом адсорбції та показником рН нововідкритих поверхонь.Цель. Теоретическое обоснование методологических основ установления условий проявления возможных эффектов и пост-эффектов технологии гидравлического разрыва пласта (ГРП). Методика. Структура и последовательность проведения исследования включает изучение энергетического аспекта разрушения горного массива, действия акустических волн, термодинамический анализ разрушения горного массива, анализ механоактивации поверхностей при разрушении горного массива и пост-эффекта саморазвития первичного пористого прострагства ГРП в результате действия эффекта Ребиндера. Применен метод акустической эмиссии, потенциометрии и рН-метрии. Результаты. Установлено, что к числу фундаментальных закономерностей, определяющих формирование и развитие пост-эффектов технологии ГРП при отработке продуктивных пластов, относятся методические положения и критерии для прогноза показателей разрушения и эффектов измельчения, а именно: средней и локальной плотности энергии при разрушении геосреды, КПД измельчения, средний размер частиц и пор, удельная поверхность, удельные затраты энергии на единицу полученной поверхности. Экспериментально подтверждена связь между параметрами акустической волны и размером трещин, что составляет основу метода акустической эмиссии (АЭ). Научная новизна. Установлено, что базу информации для оценки ожидаемых в рабочей зоне ГРП эффектов разрушений составляют актитивность АЭ, удельное акустическое излучение, спектр сигналов, характерные амплитуды при условии физического моделирования поведения геосреды на модельных образцах. Определено, что предельное состояние вещества, отвечающее началу разрушения на микроуровне, следует рассматривать с позиций термодинамики как фазовый переход (испарение, сублимация) вблизи критической точки, исходя из критических значений температуры и удельной энергии фазового перехода. Экспериментально доказано наличие механоактивации поверхностей при разрушении горного массива. Выдвинута гипотеза относительно пост-эффекта развития пористого пространства горного массива при ГРП в контексте действия эффекта Ребиндера. Практическая значимость. Предложено оценивать степень разрушения геосреды в процессе ГРП показателем Кр, который равен произведению максимальной амплитуды акустических сигналов на суммарную акустическую активность зоны разрушения. Установлено, что условия разрушения горного массива при ГРП детерминируются соотношением между горным давлением Р и объемной плотностью энергии W деформации. Показано, что степень механоактивации поверхностей может быть оценен по характеристикам адсорбции – потенциалом адсорбции и показателем рН новооткрытых поверхностей.The authors express their gratitude to Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vilian Mykolayovych Bovenko for valuable advices when conducting research. In addition, thanks to Doctor of Engineering Sciences Anatolii Dmytrovych Aleksieiev for the opportunity to use a unique research unit of non-uniform triaxial load and research method revision. The authors thank to Candidate of Engineering Sciences Iryna Mykhailivna Yuriivska for consultations on the use of her original method of mechanoactivation study

    A nationwide study on the knowledge, awareness, and practices towards COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia

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    Purpose: To investigate public knowledge, awareness and practice regarding COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia.Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted, with a 16-item self-administered questionnaire. Data was collected using social media as the platform a day after the lockdown commenced in Saudi Arabia and data collection lasted from March 25 to April 25, 2020. Chi-square test was performed to determine the association between the variables.Results: The results showed that 96 % (n = 1505) of adults were aware of the clinical symptoms of COVID-19 and 57.9 % (n = 908) correctly identified that a stuffy nose and sneezing were less common in persons infected with the virus. A majority (95.4 %, n = 1495) agreed that there was no established therapeutic treatment for COVID-19. Further, 91.7 % (n = 1437) agreed that the virus could spread via respiratory droplets and only 46.2 % (n = 724) acknowledged that wearing face mask helped prevent transmission. The results also showed that 83.2 % (n = 1299) of the participants thought that visiting crowded places increased the likelihood of transmission.Conclusion: The findings of this study reveal that adults in Saudi Arabia are cognizant of COVID-19 and maintained good attitudes and practices regarding it. Furthermore, health education programs aimed at improving awareness of the disease and appropriate control measures will be beneficial in curbing the virus pandemic. Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Coronavirus, Pandemic, COVID-19, Flu, Symptom

    Study On the Parasites of Falcons in the United Arab Emirates

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    Sakers Falco cherrug, Gyrfalcons Falco rusticolus, Peregrines Falco peregrilllls, in addition to Hybrids (saker X gyrfalcon, or gyrfalcon X peregrine), were found to be the most popular species of falcons in United Arab Emirates (UAE). The importance of falcons and falconry in Arabia was highlighted with a brief history of falconry in Arabia. The study focused on the prevalence of intestinal parasites (coccidia, helminthes and nematodes) and blood parasites (Haemoproteus sp. and Leucocytozoon sp.) as well as ecto-parasites (Ticks and Mites) of these falcons, with discussion on the possible sources of infection in view of the epizootiology of these parasites. 100 falcons, 89 females and 11 males, were studied at random. Of these 100 falcons, 50 falcons were considered as resident falcons having spent a period of 1-4 years in the UAE, the rest (50 falcons) with less than 1-year residence were considered imported falcons . The falcons were identified, thin blood smears were taken stained with Giemsa, examined for blood parasites and positive smears were identified. Fresh feces were collected for macroscopic examination to recognize adult worms, segments of tapeworms or fly larvae, then fecal materials were prepared (direct and floatation methods) for microscopic examination to detect protozoan cyst and helminthes eggs. Three techniques: feathers inspection, insecticide spray, and shaking the body in full sun light, were used for collecting ecto-parasites. The results were presented in term of numbers and percentages of non-infected and infected imported and resident falcons in relation to species and sex. 52% (26/50) of imported falcons showed parasitic infections, while 38% (19/50) of resident falcons were found to be infected. The results were compared with those of other researchers. Emphasis was also laid on the pathological aspects of parasitic infection in falcons. Recommendations that would lead to significant decrease in the infection rates in falcons in the UAE were made

    Determination Of Aerosol Optical Thickness From Spectral Sky Transmittance.

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    The objective of this study is to test the feasibility of the proposed technique for retrieving spectral aerosol optical thickness (AOT) from the spectral transmittance measurements. The measurements have been acquired around Penang Island, Malaysia. Ground-based measurements were made with a handheld spectroradiometer. The measured spectral transmittance data were then converted to AOT values 6 spectral bands between 400 and 900 nm. Spectral AOT maps were generated using Kriging interpolation method for the 6 spectral bands. Air quality map was produced using this technique

    Remote Sensing Of Turbidity Mapping From Digital Camera Imagery.

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    A complete set of normal digital camera data and ground-based measurements are used to test an algorithm for retrieval of turbidity distribution in the Prai Estuary, Penang, Malaysia

    PM10 Retrieval From Spectroradiometer Measurements.

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    This study attempts to determine the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) from spectroradiometer data. The spectroradiometer is used to measure the atmospheric transmittances in a wide spectrum over Penang Island, Malaysia

    Medication errors in a health care facility in southern Saudi Arabia

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    Purpose: To identify medication errors at Aseer Central Hospital (ACH, Abha) in the southern province of Saudi Arabia. Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted by reviewing adult patients’ records (> 15 years old) at ACH’s inpatient and outpatients settings over an 8-week period in October and November 2015. Results: We identified 113 medication errors, including 112 prescribing errors and 1 dispensing error. Most medication errors (91.2 %) in this study were for inpatient prescriptions. The most common prescribing error was medication duplication (31.2 %) followed by missing patient identifying information (25 %). Conclusion: Medication errors, mainly in inpatient prescriptions, have been fully identified at ACH. Educational interventions such as workshops could help minimize and prevent medication errors

    Direct Enantiomeric Resolution of Betaxolol with Application to Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products

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    A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method has been developed for the separation and determination of S- and R-enantiomers of betaxolol in tablets and ophthalmic preparations. Baseline resolution was achieved by using teicoplanin macrocyclic antibiotic chiral stationary phase (CSP) known as Chirobiotic T with fluorescence detection at excitation/emission wavelengths 275/305 nm. The polar ionic mobile phase (PIM) consists of methanol-glacial acetic acid-triethylamine, (100:0.020:0.025, v/v/v) has been used at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min. All analytes with S-(–)-atenolol as internal standard were conducted at ambient temperature. The method is highly specific where another coformulated compounds did not interfere. The stability of betaxolol enantiomers under different degree of temperature also studied. The results showed that it is stable for at least 7 days at 70°C. The method validated for its linearity, accuracy, precision and robustness. Experimental design was used during validation to evaluate method robustness. Using the chromatographic conditions described, S- and R-betaxolol were well resolved with mean retention times of 11.3 and 12.6 min, respectively. Linear response (r > 0.997) was observed over the range of 10–500 ng/ml of betaxolol enantiomers, with detection limit of 5 ng/ml. The recoveries of S- and R-betaxolol from tablets and ophthalmic preparation ranged from 97.4 to 101.4% and 98.0 to 102.0%, respectively. The mean relative standard deviation (R.S.D.%) for both enantiomers were 1.1–1.4% and 1.3–1.7% in tablets and ophthalmic solution, respectively

    Idiomatic Knowledge and Attitudes toward Idiom Learning: A Case of Kuwaiti EFL College Students

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    The study attempts to determine if idiomatic knowledge has an influence on students’ attitudes toward learning English idioms. Primarily, the study seeks to uncover if idiomatic knowledge affects Kuwaiti EFL undergraduate college students’ attitudes toward (1) the importance of idiom learning, (2) the difficulties of idiom learning and (3) learning strategies for idioms. Results showed that students had positive attitudes toward English idiom learning. Significant differences in the results were obtained for students’ knowledge of idioms. Keywords: Idiom learning, EFL students’ attitudes, idiomatic knowledge DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-27-09 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Docetaxel Induced Toxic Erythema of Chemotherapy: A Case Report

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    Toxic erythema of chemotherapy (TEC) refers to a group of chemotherapy-induced cutaneous toxicities. It is important to raise awareness of TEC clinical presentation to prevent misdiagnosis and treat them promptly. We present a patient diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast who had undergone mastectomy with axillary dissection who developed TEC after docetaxel chemotherapy infusion